Angel Santoyo
Angel Santoyo

I’m Angel, an IT infrastructure specialist and aspiring security engineer based in California who studied CS at CSUF. I write about random stuff that I thought was cool to learn about here!

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6 min read

So I’ve used Secure Socket Shell(SSH) in the past for school and work/intern projects. I have an understanding of how it works on a basic level, you connect to a machine over a network, and it should be secure but I got curious as to how it worked a bit on a deeper level. Today I want to give an overview on how SSH works, and some things I found interesting while reading about SSH.

6 min read

Hello again to any acmFolks at and anyone else reading! Today we’re gonna talk about another category of web-vulnerabilities called Remote code execution. The reason I’m writing about RCE is because after reading about it I found it fascinating how it can manifest itself in so many different, nuanced ways.

2 min read

Recently I’ve been reading up on code-auditing. Here are some different tools that I read are effective in assisting code-auditing.

3 min read

Coming from a background focused on software development, modern user management and system administration kinda shocked and left me mind blown since it’s something I never gave a lot of thought to. Thus far my experience with user management before my current role was maybe having an admin view, and just general application users.

2 min read

I never really considered where applications load resources when executed and how this could be targeted for attack if they were loaded into the same address each time. So, when I read about ASLR I thought it was very cool and I want to give a quick high level overview on what I learned about ASLR.